I'm constantly amazed with the things blogger moms accomplish. Their blogs are filled with perfectly planned menus each week, knitted garments for their toddlers, homemade party dresses for their older ones, kickass custom Christmas gifts, fun vacation photos, tutorials, recipes...the list goes on.
It makes my own blog look a little pathetic. Over the past year, I've spiraled into the lamest crafting slump I could have imagined. There's no reason as a capable 20-something who works a part-time job, with a crafty disposition and no kids running around (not counting my 13-year-old stepdaughter) that I shouldn't be able to be on the blogger mom plane of productivity.
So, I've decided that for the new year, I'm instituting a new rule: one week, one project, one blog.
I don't want to bite off more than I can chew, so I made it simple. Every week, I'll be posting at least two pictures of the chosen weekly project with a write up. The project can be anything, whether it's a home improvement task like making curtains, or something just for me, such as sewing a trendy garment at home if I can't find the right ones in the store at a good price (high-waisted shorts, anyone?).
I've made a preliminary list of projects to get me started, and I'll be adding to it as I think of new things so that I never have an excuse to skip a week. (I'm sure Pinterest will help.) These are things I've wanted to make/do/get done for a while, so I'm ready to go! Here is the list so far:
-Car Trash System
-Car recycling system
-Button Fridge Magnets
-A pretty filing cabinet
-Kitchen curtain
-Bedroom curtains
-NEW living room curtains
-Refinish coffee table
-Knit legwarmers
-Make high-waisted shorts
-Make casual ankle length pants
-Can pickles
-Can preserves
Of course, there will always be projects with a bigger scope, like Halloween costumes and Christmas gifts, so I've tried to keep the list fairly low key, so that I can mark it off along side the bigger projects.
I'm giving myself 3 passes, just in case. (But there's no punishment other than my own bitter disappointment. I'm working hard not to let this be a negative exercise!)
And with any luck, this new initiation will get me out of my crafting slump! Stay tuned for manymanymany updates!
Have you hit a brick wall when it comes to getting shit done, despite your numerous abilities? Are you writhing in jealousy every time a mom posts a picture of the new macrame baby sling she just completed or when you realize her Pinterest boards are more purposeful than yours could ever hope to be? Get up off your ass and join me!
Yeehaw! We talked about this...and you are doing it! I am going to try and join you. What are you doing first? Love you, Mom
First up is the car trash system (system sounds better than "bag" or "holder"), which is here: http://sumaphelia.blogspot.com/2013/01/one-week-one-project-car-trash-system.html
This week's project is Button Fridge Magnets, which I saw on Pinterest but the link if broken. Here's a different example: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Gv31plKx5gI/TTbRe0UNn_I/AAAAAAAADh4/6FoB7bLUWXY/s1600/bunting%252Cjan%252Chips%252C+092.JPG
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